083 272 2000 otwithnature@gmail.com

 Aqua-Craniosacral Therapy and Occupational Therapy

Integrating Aqua-Craniosacral Therapy into Occupational Therapy can provide a range of benefits: stress, relief, chronic pain, trauma, and developmental disorders. They work together to enchance relaxation, promotes emotional balance, and supports functional independence. Aqua Craniosacral Therapy combines the light-touch body work of Craniosacral Therapy, with the physiological and psychological benefits of water.

Aqua Craniosacral Therapy is a medium for deep healing and personal growth. With most  Craniosacral Therapy, the client receives therapy lying on a therapy table, but with Aqua Craniosacral Therapy, the client gently floats in the water, their head gently supported by the therapist.  Aqua usually occurs in specialized temperature-controlled pools. 

The difference of being in water compared to land is, the feeling of weightlessness and as the tension patterns in your body unwind there is a 3-dimentional supportive space through which your body can move and flow. This treatment allows you to experience the feeling of being both fully supported and completely free at the same time. Movement is facilitated by the physical properties o water, particularly it’s density and specific gravity, hydrostatic pressure, buoyancy, viscosity, and thermodynamics (Becker, 2009).

Aqua Craniosacral Therapy is calming, powerful, and potent, enjoy a Aqua Craniosacral Therapy session and float you troubles away.



“Craniosacral Therapy in water is nothing short of magic” – Anne Wister


“For better client outcomes, just add water” – John Upledger


“Because the client is floating, the body can move in an uninhibited manner that expresses the changes in tissue mobility and tensions. Simply follow and support this movement with your hands. As the tissues release restrictions, they will lengthen or soften, or come into greater functional alignment. More movement of tissues, fluids and structures will then be available for the client to use in a more functional way, facilitating the body’s own self-corrective mechanisms”.  – John Upledger, president of the Upledger Institute.